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Maintenance of Municipal Water Processing Plants

City of Wasco, City of Bakersfield, and North of the River Sanitation District

The Problem

When districts or municipalities have a system that isn’t working quite right, it can cause a huge amount of disruption and even serious sanitation concerns for large numbers of people. For water processing plants, automation maintenance and troubleshooting, or system updates, our clients call us because they know we can act fast and get their systems fully functional again.

Our Solution

For the City of Wasco, Agilitech provides automation maintenance and troubleshooting support for their wastewater and fresh water plants, and we have also completed projects to bring new lift station wells online and into their network. For the City of Bakersfield, we provide automation maintenance and troubleshooting support for waste water plants 2 and 3, as well as support from our electrical construction team. The automation group also supports the North of the River Sanitation District with troubleshooting and other projects, including updating their SCADA system, and reporting.

The Results

Agilitech provides reliable and agile troubleshooting support or maintenance to various municipalities, as and when something isn’t working as it should. Whether it’s a fresh water or wastewater plant, sanitation systems, or electrical construction, Agilitech provides consistent maintenance and troubleshooting with a fast, efficient and effective response.